There is no standard definition of stuttering, but most attempt to define stuttering as the blockages, discoordination or fragmentations of the forward flow of speech.
These stoppages, referred to as disfluencies, are often excessive and characterized by specific types of disfluency. These types of disfluencies include repeating of sounds and syllables, prolongation of sounds and blockages of airflow.
People who stutter are often aware of their stuttering and feel a loss of control when they are disfluent. Both children and adults stutteres expend and excessive amount of physical and mental energy when speaking.
Enough with the "doctor's" talk about this.
Stuttering is different for everyone. For some people stuttering means the repeating of sounds or letters, for others it means having blockages .... Stuttering isn't a word that only has one meaning and that's it. The meaning is put together by the people that have it.
It is also more then just repeating a sound or having a blockages. Stuttering is something that sticks with you. It's not something that can be solved with a couple of therapy lessons. It's a hard core bitch to be honest.You have the speaking aspect of it, but you also have the psychological aspect of it. And they roll together like fries with mayonaise.
Imagine going into a starbucks, you are craving a nice drink because you have had a long day. The barista asks your name and just when there is a line of people behind you, you can't say it. You can not say your own name ... Well that's something we deal with every single day. Not being able to say your name, not being able to ask someone something in a store, not being able to order your favorite food because it starts with a certain letter, not being able to say what you want to say ... Imagine how it feels.
Things like that get into your mind. It spooks around day and night.
As a mentioned before, having a stutter means having a fear of certain letters or certains words. Not all stutterers have this, but most do. Also words with an emotional meaning to it are sometimes more difficult to pronounce. When trying to pronounce such a word, your mind is already going crazy. 'Oh no I have to say this word', 'Oh no it starts with an ...', 'Oh shit what if I stutter again?' ... And so on.
Having a bad day or a sick day? Well that's something that can make stuttering even worse. When I am in a bad mood or I am sick, my stuttering will be worse then other days. It's because I already feel negative and that influences my speaking.
The fear of speaking is there all the time. Atleast for me it is. Some days I'd rather just stay silent the whole day so that I don't have to think about stuttering or having a blockage. Ofcourse, that can't happen. Speaking is such a big part of the day, it's not something you can ignore.
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